Black Cherry Tomato Picture

Black Cherry Tomato Information

Black Cherry tomato is a small type of cherry tomato that ripens with a black-purple skin and dark red flesh. The tomato has a sweet-tart taste and is often referred to as the miniature version of the equally popular but bigger Cherokee purple tomato. The Black cherry tomato is an indeterminate tomato that was developed in the United States. It has a prolific plant, a vigorous grower which can withstand common elements such as wind and heat and produces a lot of fruit. Black cherry tomatoes are suitable for use in salads, mixed vegetable roasts, sauces, salsas, garnishing and also as off-the-vine snacks.

Picture showing Green Zebra tomato

Green Zebra Tomato Information

Green Zebra tomato is a green tomato cultivar with green flesh and dark to light green vertical stripes which mimic Zebra stripes. Depending on the ripening stage, the stripes shift to light green or yellowish color. This is one of the ways to tell when the fruit is ready to pick. Green Zebra tomato has a tart and sweet flavor profile and is good for salsa and salads. It is considered a green-when-ripe tomato which does not change to red when ripe as occurs with regular red tomato fruit.

Picture Showing Yellow Pear Tomato

Yellow Pear Tomato Information

Yellow Pear tomato is an indeterminate pear-shaped tomato which ripens with a bright yellow color. It is a small heirloom cherry tomato cultivar which is borne in clusters on long growing vines. The yellow pear is a mild flavored tomato used in salads, salsa making, pickling, canning and making preserves. The cultivar is very easy to grow and has moderate resistance to light blight tomato fungal disease. 

Picture showing when to pick tomatoes

When to Pick Tomatoes Information

When to pick tomatoes depends on the tomato type or variety under cultivation. Green, purple and yellow tomatoes, for example, provide different cues for picking so do heirloom varieties. Nonetheless, regular red tomatoes are generally ready to pick for indoor ripening when they start developing a blush red color on the blossom end or sides of the fruit. These tomatoes can also be picked when deep red and fully ripened although vine ripening exposes them to pests and risk of other physiological problems such as splitting.

Picture of Roma Tomatoes

Roma Tomatoes Information

Roma tomatoes are an American heirloom tomato cultivar, pear or plum shaped, sweet flavored with thick walls and best used for paste making, sauces, canning, ketchup and cooking. Larger than cherries and grapes in size, well known for having few seeds, Roma tomatoes ripen by turning fully red from bottom to top. They are a very productive paste-type tomato, making up for their small size by producing abundant fruit, which ripens all at once, on a single plant in a short time.