Picture of Cipollini Onions

Cipollini Onions Information

Cipollini onions are petite, saucer-shaped, flat bulbed Italian onions which have a uniform attractive appearance. The onions are of a mini size of between 1.5 inches to 2 inches in diameter. Cipollinis are also known as Italian onions or little onions in Italian. The onions have a spicy pungent flavor when raw and sweet flavor when cooked. Cipollinis are used raw or cooked in a variety of culinary dishes including salads, grills and roasts. They are a fairly easy to grow onion crop for many home growers.

Picture of Parris Island Lettuce

Parris Island Lettuce Information

Parris Island lettuce is a type of romaine green lettuce that forms upright heads surrounded by wavy attractive looking dark green edible leaves. The heart of the lettuce is creamy to white. Parris Island lettuce is also known as Parris Island Cos lettuce or Parris Island romaine lettuce. It is considered the most nutritious green lettuce and is used mostly raw in a variety of culinary applications such as salads, sandwiches, wraps and tacos. Paris Island Cos is fairly easy to grow and can be raised through direct seeding or as transplants.

Picture Showing Patio Tomatoes

Patio Tomato Information

Patio tomato refers to a tomato cultivar especially bred for suitability to grow in limited spaces such as hanging baskets and containers on patios and balconies. There are hundreds of patio tomato varieties of different colors and sizes. What is common among them is the short height and ability to grow in confined spaces. Patio tomatoes are easy to grow and often require minimal maintenance and care in order to be highly productive. Furthermore, some cultivars of patio tomatoes are bred with disease and pest resistance.

Celebrity Tomato Main Picture

Celebrity Tomato Information

Celebrity tomato is a large globe-shaped tomato fruit which changes color from green to intense red when ripe. It is a popular all-purpose slicing tomato that is suitable for a variety of culinary recipe applications such as cooking, sauces, soups, salads, pastes, juicing, canning  and making salsa. The tomato was developed in the U.S and is borne of a vigorously growing bushy determinate vine. Celebrity tomato is considered an easy to grow tomato which is ideal for first-time gardeners.

Black Cherry Tomato Picture

Black Cherry Tomato Information

Black Cherry tomato is a small type of cherry tomato that ripens with a black-purple skin and dark red flesh. The tomato has a sweet-tart taste and is often referred to as the miniature version of the equally popular but bigger Cherokee purple tomato. The Black cherry tomato is an indeterminate tomato that was developed in the United States. It has a prolific plant, a vigorous grower which can withstand common elements such as wind and heat and produces a lot of fruit. Black cherry tomatoes are suitable for use in salads, mixed vegetable roasts, sauces, salsas, garnishing and also as off-the-vine snacks.