Picture of Boston Lettuce in the field

Boston Lettuce Information

Boston lettuce is a loose head lettuce under the butterhead lettuce category. Boston lettuce is also often referred to as butter lettuce or Bibb lettuce which is an ongoing misnomer because Bibb lettuce is a distinct butterhead lettuce cultivar. Boston lettuce has tender, succulent and very delicate leaves. For this reason, it is usually kept or sold with its root intact and immersed in water to keep the leaves alive and fresh. The lettuce is very attractive and used in a wide variety of recipe preparations such as salads, sandwiches and juices.

Frisee Lettuce Picture

Frisee Lettuce Information

Frisee lettuce (also frisée) is an endive vegetable variety with curly, loose frizzly looking leaves. It has a creamy yellowish center that is surrounded by green bitter outer leaves. The inner yellowish heart of the vegetable is often used in salads and other recipe preparations. Although referred to as a lettuce, botanically speaking, frisee lettuce does not share in the same genus nor family as Lactuca sativa, the regular lettuce that many are accustomed to. Frisee is sometimes interchangeably referred to as curly endive, curly leaf endive or curly chicory.

Picture of Purple Lettuce

Purple Lettuce Information

Purple lettuce is a dietary leafy vegetable that has light purple to deep purple looking leaves. Purple lettuce is sometimes interchangeably referred to as red lettuce. The purple to red pigmentation in the leaves is due to a naturally occurring water-soluble bio-compound which itself confers some superior health benefits in humans. There are many purple lettuce varieties, a good number of these are hybrid cultivars. Purple loose leaf lettuce is primarily used raw in a variety of culinary recipe applications which include salads, sandwiches, burgers, stir-fries and juices.

Main picture showing budded Purple Broccoli

Purple Broccoli Information

Purple broccoli is a spring season type of gourmet broccoli cultivar distinct from traditional green sprouting broccoli which produces light purple to deep purple colored buds. Stems and leaves can also be purple or traditional green depending on variety. Purple sprouting broccoli has many varieties with the best considered varieties producing sweet flavored leaves and tender stems. Purple broccoli is a special crop because of its ability to overwinter which guarantees winter food production.

Armenian Cucumber Main Picture

Armenian Cucumber Information

Armenian cucumber is a cucumber-like heirloom vegetable which is closely related to the watermelon. It is slender and elongated in shape, tastes and looks like a regular cucumber when harvested at a certain size. Armenian cucumber is also known by several other names which include snake cucumber, snake melon and yard-long cucumber. Furthermore, it also has local names such as uri in Japan, chanbar in Persian, tirozî in Kurdish, feggous in Morocco, and tortarello in Italian. If left to grow on the ground, the Armenian cucumber plant produces typically bent and twisted fruit from whence the name snake comes from.