Fish, Meats, Traditional

Coated garlic flavoured Matemba (Kapenta)


 Growing up Matemba was one of my least favored foods. This is apart from the fact that it is one of the most readily available brain foods in our in our Zimbabwean context.  In other words, Kapenta promotes the good health and functioning of your brain.  After experimenting and trying […]

Beef, Meats

Quick and Easy Mince


 Mince is one meat that I always have to have in my freezer. There’s so much you can do with it and it’s one of the fastest meats that you can prepare. You need such meats readily available in your fridge for those times when vanyarikani “respectable” visitors arrive announced […]

HowTos, Sauces, Soups

How to make white sauce in 10 minutes


 This is one sauce I love making, especially on those lazy days where I don’t feel like chopping tomatoes and onions for that traditional onion and tomato gravy! It’s quick, easy to follow and delicious too. So maybe it’ll also become your fav sauce/soup when that lazy mood hits you […]

Snacks, Traditional

Good old Nhopi (with butternut)


 [dropcap]N[/dropcap]hopi is one of those healthy and really filling snacks that I like. Traditionally in the Zimbabwean context it is made using nhanga (pumpkin) but if that is not available (due to seasons or access) a butternut as in this case will work perfectly.This is one of the reasons why […]