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Maputi aneNzungu (Roasted mealie pips and peanuts)

Now this is definitely one of our all time favorite traditional Zimbabwean snack. Generally this snack used to be done with people sitting around the fire, enjoying each other’s company. The two ingredients would be roasted mugango (a specialized heavy base roasting pan suitable for this as well as plain salted […]


Tasty Oxtail stew coated in spiced flour

I was with my dearly beloved grandmother over the weekend. We had a lengthy but definitely interesting talk on Zimbabwean foods. I gleaned quite a lot of information from her. In the conversation we also talked about oxtail and this is one of her signature dishes.  We all enjoyed eating […]

Creamy Beef

Creamy Beef Stew with muriwo (leafy greens)

This really was an experiment which could have gone really bad, bad, good or really good.  I was happy that it turned out to be really good and the family enjoyed it. Inspiration for this came from beef stroganoff and one of our Zimbabwean beef stew recipe commonly coined as […]

Bean curry

How to make Bean curry

This came as a special request from one of our readers here on the blog. I think when it comes to spicy or hot foods, only put as much “heat” as your palate can handle. So it is with this bean curry. If you’re not into hot stuff you may […]

Zimbabwe Gizzards

Ivy’s Chicken gizzards stew

Instructions Trim and wash gizzards thoroughly add salt and boil them for at least 1 hour until they are nice and tender, keep topping up the water and skim any scum formed as they boil. When cooked  add oil in gizzards ,the paprika , black pepper ,chilli powder and fry […]

Traditional Okra (Derere)

Derere (Okra) Recipe from Zimbabwe

I last ate  derere (okra) made in this Zimbabwean traditional manner way back when I was weee tall and haven’t had it since (my kiddie-taste buds didn’t quite fancy it) 😀 !  However, I do know of some people who love it made in this way but just couldn’t figure […]

Traditional Peanut Butter Beef stew

Traditional Peanut Butter Beef stew

Peanut butter is one of the most used spreads in the Zimbabwean cuisine. Most of the traditional dishes can have a peanut butter twist to them, such as this beef stew. Leafy greens, free-range chicken and cabbage are amongst some of the foods which can be cooked and have peanut […]

Sadza reZviyo (Millet)

Traditional Zimbabwean Sadza reZviyo (Millet)

This is one of our traditional starches here in Zimbabwe. It’s actually really nutritious. There are so many health benefits of eating zviyo be it porridge, sadza or anything. Some of these benefits amongst others include helping with weight loss, lowering blood cholesterol levels, regulating blood sugar levels especially for […]